S90V VS M390 Steel Knives: Which one is the Sharpest?

In the world of knife enthusiasts and professionals, two names stand out: S90V and M390.

These high-performance super steels have captured the attention of bladesmiths, outdoorsmen, and chefs worldwide. Beyond the allure of a razor-sharp edge, which of these blades truly excels?

Let’s delve into the details of S90V and M390 steel, comparing their intricate features and practical uses to provide you with the essential information needed to make a well-informed decision.


The Industrial Blade Arms Race: Steel and Its Importance

Steel is the backbone of a multitude of industries. And in the world of blades, it’s not just about the brand or build—it’s about the steel. High-carbon alloys like S90V and M390 have revolutionized cutlery, making knives smarter, sharper, and more robust.

In today’s demanding industries, a knife is more than just a tool—it becomes a trusted companion, a reliable extension of the worker’s hand built to last in tough conditions.


S90V Steel Origins

S90V steel, a renowned alloy, emerged in the late 20th century thanks to Crucible Industries.

This exceptional steel amalgamates vanadium, the key element boosting its wear resistance, with chromium and molybdenum to enhance protection against corrosion.

The unique composition of S90V steel results in a blade material that excels in durability and edge retention, making it a popular choice among knife enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Blades crafted from S90V steel are prized for their ability to maintain sharpness over extended periods of use, offering a cutting edge that endures through various tasks.

The innovative design and superior performance of S90V steel have solidified its reputation as a top-tier material in the realm of knife making.


M390 Steel Evolution

M390 steel, developed by Bohler-Uddeholm, a top steel manufacturer, represents a significant advancement in blade materials. This high-performance steel offers exceptional wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and a finely balanced edge.

Ideal for a wide range of applications, M390 steel is favored by knife makers and enthusiasts for its durability and cutting prowess.

The composition of M390 steel includes elements such as chromium, vanadium, and molybdenum, contributing to its superior properties. This premium steel ensures longevity and precision in various cutting tasks, making it a sought-after choice for quality blades worldwide.


S90V: Its Characteristics and Applications

To understand the allure of S90V steel, we first need to understand its DNA. This steel is not for the faint of heart—it’s all business, all the time.

Chemical Composition of S90V

S90V, a powder-made stainless steel, is about as high-end as it gets. With a composition that includes high carbon, vanadium, and more importantly, 14% chromium, it promises exceptional performance under high-stress conditions.

Where S90V Shows Its Mettle

In the professional world, where wear and tear are common, S90V stands as a reliable companion. It doesn’t just cut; it endures, effortlessly slicing through tough materials with unmatched strength.

A Closer Look: Case Studies in B2B Settings

Meticulous scrutiny and practical applications are the metrics by which S90V steel’s merits are measured in business-to-business (B2B) settings.

Aerospace Precision

S90V has set the standard in aerospace applications, where precision is non-negotiable. For instance, a case study involving a leading aerospace manufacturer demonstrated that implementing S90V steel in their cutting tools reduced downtime and maintenance costs because of the steel’s exceptional wear resistance and durability under high-stress machining operations.

Advanced Medical Equipment

In the medical field, S90V’s corrosion resistance and ability to maintain a sharp edge have been instrumental in the manufacturing of cutting-edge surgical tools. Surgeons require instruments that promise precision and reliability. An analysis across several medical facilities showed a drop in instrument failure rates after switching to S90V, thus affirming its superior performance.

High-Performance Fabrication

Understanding the pivotal role of steel in heavy fabrication, S90V steel’s capabilities have been aggressively tested in environments requiring the processing of abrasive materials.

The switch to S90V resulted in a measurable improvement in tool lifespan, which in turn optimized their operational efficacy and profitability.

Nurturing the Blade: Maintenance and Best Practices

The superiority of S90V steel in terms of longevity and performance necessitates a corresponding commitment to maintenance. While inherently resistant to many forms of wear, proactive and proper care is essential to preserve the peak performance of your cutting tools.

Sharpening: Precision Honing Techniques

Diamond-coated sharpening stones or ceramic rods are recommended as they align with the steel’s high wear resistance.

These tools should be used with a consistent angle and gentle pressure to refine the edge without removing excessive material. Honing should be done regularly, and sharpening should be reserved for when the blade begins to dull.

Cleaning: Ensuring Longevity

Post-use cleaning should never be overlooked.

Simple, yet effective, a wipe-down with a clean, damp cloth followed by drying will prevent any corrosive substances from degrading the steel.

For more intense cleaning, a mild soap and water solution can be used without causing harm to the metal. After cleaning, ensure the knife is thoroughly dry to maintain its condition.

Storage: Protective Measures

Finally, how these premium knives are stored can greatly influence their service life. They should be kept in a dry, controlled environment, preferably housed in a knife block or sheath that prevents unnecessary contact with other objects.

This simple step minimizes the likelihood of damage and protects the integrity of the edge.


M390: The Competitor’s Edge in Sharpness and Versatility

M390 steel competes neck and neck with S90V, with properties that mirror the sturdiness and edge consistency necessary for professional excellence.

The Chemistry of Excellence: M390’s Makeup

M390 steel is meticulously forged using a specialized blend of high-carbon, chromium, vanadium, and molybdenum.

This unique fusion imbues M390 with exceptional precision and durability. Picture it as crafting a recipe – each element contributes significantly to making M390 steel robust and dependable.

Carbon serves as the backbone, granting strength and hardness to the steel.

Chromium enhances corrosion resistance, safeguarding the steel against rust and decay.

Vanadium bolsters toughness, enabling the steel to endure rigorous use without succumbing to chips or fractures easily.

Meanwhile, molybdenum boosts hardness and machinability, ensuring that M390 steel can be shaped into diverse tools effectively.

Together, these components form a harmonious alloy that excels in various aspects. Whether it’s retaining a keen edge for meticulous cutting or enduring harsh conditions in demanding industries, M390 steel delivers exceptional performance across the spectrum.

It is this distinctive chemical composition that distinguishes M390 and renders it a premier choice for discerning professionals seeking excellence.

Industries that Swear by M390’s Versatility

Discover the industries that rely on M390’s versatility for their success.

  1. Aerospace: M390 steel is highly valued in the aerospace industry for its ability to withstand extreme conditions and maintain precise cutting edges. It is used in manufacturing parts with intricate designs and tight tolerances, ensuring that aircraft components meet stringent quality standards.
  2. Marine: In marine applications, where tools are exposed to corrosive saltwater environments, M390 steel shines due to its exceptional corrosion resistance. It is commonly used in the production of heavy-duty blades for cutting ropes, cables, and other materials on ships and offshore platforms, where durability and reliability are paramount.
  3. Manufacturing: M390 steel plays a crucial role in various manufacturing processes, providing reliable performance in cutting, shaping, and machining operations. From automotive to electronics industries, M390 is preferred for its ability to maintain sharpness and withstand high-stress conditions, ensuring smooth and efficient production lines.
  4. Construction: In the construction industry, where tools are subjected to rigorous use and demanding conditions, M390 steel stands out for its durability and longevity. It is used in the production of cutting tools, saw blades, and drill bits, where its exceptional hardness and edge retention make it ideal for tackling tough materials like concrete, metal, and wood.
  5. Medical: Precision and reliability are paramount in the medical field, and M390 steel delivers on both fronts. It is used in the manufacturing of surgical instruments, dental tools, and medical implants, where its superior edge retention and corrosion resistance ensure consistent performance and long-term reliability in critical healthcare settings.

Polishing the Diamond: M390 Maintenance and More

Maintaining your M390 blade is essential to preserve its superior edge and ensure longevity. Here are some expert tips and best practices for caring for your M390 blade:

  1. Regular Cleaning: After each use, clean your M390 blade with mild soap and warm water to remove any dirt, debris, or residue. Dry the blade thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to corrosion.
  2. Oil Application: Apply a thin layer of mineral oil or specialized knife oil to the blade’s surface to prevent rust and corrosion. Use a soft cloth or a cotton swab to evenly distribute the oil, paying extra attention to the blade’s edge and pivot area.
  3. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from using harsh cleaning agents or abrasive materials on your M390 blade, as they can damage the steel’s surface and compromise its performance. Stick to gentle cleaning solutions and non-abrasive cloths to maintain the blade’s integrity.
  4. Storage: Store your M390 blade in a dry, cool environment away from moisture and humidity. Consider using a protective sheath or blade cover to prevent accidental damage and scratches when storing or transporting the knife.
  5. Sharpening: When it’s time to sharpen your M390 blade, use high-quality sharpening stones or ceramic rods designed for sharpening high-carbon steel. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and maintain a consistent angle while sharpening to achieve optimal results.
  6. Honing: Regularly honing your M390 blade with a honing rod or leather strop can help maintain its sharpness between sharpening sessions. Gently run the blade along the honing surface at a consistent angle to realign the edge and remove any microscopic burrs.
  7. Professional Maintenance: If you’re unsure about sharpening or maintaining your M390 blade yourself, consider taking it to a professional knife sharpener or cutlery shop for professional maintenance. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to properly care for your blade and ensure its peak performance.


Putting Them to the Test: A B2B Use Case Comparison

For businesses, selecting the right steel can mean the difference between cost savings and operational delays. It’s not just about the blade; it’s about the business bottom line.


M390 is more durable than S90V. M390 is known for its excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance properties, making it a popular choice for high-end knives and tools. Its superior toughness and edge retention outperform S90V in demanding tasks, ensuring long-lasting performance.

Blade Longevity

M390 and CPM-20CV are both high-performing steels, but M390 edges out in terms of blade longevity. With its superior hardness and edge retention, M390 can maintain sharpness for longer periods compared to CPM-20CV. This makes it a preferred choice for industries where consistent performance is essential.


M390 may have a higher upfront cost compared to other steels, but its longevity and overall performance make it more cost-effective in the long run. Its exceptional wear resistance and edge retention reduce the need for frequent sharpening or replacement, ultimately saving businesses time and money.


Case Studies for M390 Material

This study examines the performance of M390 steel, a specialized knife material, compared to M398 steel. Both steels underwent heat treatment and tempering at different temperatures, and half of the samples underwent cryogenic hardening. The aim was to assess wear resistance and suitability for knife manufacturing.


  • Wear Resistance: M390 steel outperformed M398 steel in resisting wear and abrasion, making it a superior choice for durable knives.
  • Cryogenic Hardening: Both steels showed improved performance after cryogenic hardening, with M390 steel demonstrating superior wear resistance.
  • Temperature Effects: Tempering temperatures influenced performance, with M390 steel showing better wear resistance at lower temperatures.

Practical Implications:

M390 steel, especially when cryogenically hardened, is recommended for knife manufacturing due to its exceptional wear resistance. These findings provide valuable guidance for industries seeking long-lasting and reliable knife materials.


In the anvil of performance, S90V and M390 have emerged as the high watermark in industrial blade excellence. As professionals and enthusiasts, the choice is no longer about which is sharper, but which is the sharpest move for you.

If you are looking for a reliable material provider for knives such as M390, choose Shieldon. Our company has over 30 years of experience in producing high-quality steel for industrial use. With Shieldon OEM service, you can trust that your blades will withstand the test of time and deliver unrivaled results for your business.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do S90V and M390 differ in the face of time and elements?

S90V and M390 are both high-performance steels, but they have different properties that make them suitable for different applications.

S90V is known for its exceptional wear resistance and edge retention, making it a popular choice for industrial blades.

On the other hand, the M390 offers superior corrosion resistance in addition to wear resistance and toughness, making it ideal for use in harsh environments. In terms of longevity, M390 edges out S90V due to its ability to maintain sharpness for longer periods.

Which of these two steels is a more wieldy companion in the long run?

Both S90V and M390 are high-quality steels that can withstand the test of time. However, the M390 has a slight advantage in terms of overall longevity due to its superior edge retention and corrosion resistance properties.

This makes it a more cost-effective choice in the long run as it reduces the need for frequent sharpening or replacement. Ultimately, the best steel for you will depend on your specific needs and application.  Overall, both steels offer outstanding performance and reliability in the long run.

What are the deciding factors that should swing the blade one way or another?

The decision between S90V and M390 ultimately depends on the specific needs and requirements of a business or individual.

Factors such as the type of application, level of durability needed, budget, and environmental conditions should all be considered when choosing between these two steels. If wear resistance and edge retention are the top priorities, then S90V may be the better choice.

Are there specific techniques to sharpen S90V and M390 steel knives?

Yes, there are specific techniques for sharpening S90V and M390 steel knives. These steels have a high hardness level, so it is recommended to use diamond stones or ceramic rods for sharpening. It is also essential to maintain a consistent angle while sharpening to ensure the best results.

Additionally, using lubricants can help prevent overheating and damage to the steel during the sharpening process.  As always, proper care and maintenance are vital for keeping knives in peak condition regardless of the type of steel used.  Overall, following recommended techniques and using high-quality sharpening tools will help maintain the sharpness and longevity of S90V and M390 steel knives.

How do these steels stack up when it’s a question of time and wear?

Both S90V and M390 steel have excellent wear resistance, making them ideal for high-stress applications.

However, M390 has a slight edge due to its higher corrosion resistance, which can help prevent premature wear and rusting of the blade. In terms of time, both steels are known for their ability to maintain their sharpness over extended periods, with M390 having a slight advantage due to its superior edge retention.

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