In-Depth Application and Tutorial: How to Use Pikal Wisely?

“Pikal” is a term derived from the Visayan dialect in the Philippines, and it literally means “to rip.” It is a combat technique involving the use of a knife, which is prominently featured in indigenous Philippine martial arts like Pekiti-Tersia and the Sayoc family system, among others. When using Pikal, the knife is held in […]

Gravity Knives: Essential Insights for Business Application

In today’s rapid commercial and industrial scenes, being efficient and precise isn’t just nice to have—it’s a must. For example, a gravity knife is a tool that’s shaking things up with its aesthetic design and functionality, proving its worth in all sorts of business settings. A gravity knife has a blade hidden inside the handle, […]

Mastering the Art of Everyday Carry: A Beginner’s Guide

The Everyday Carry (EDC) concept focuses on having a set of essential items with you at all times, so you’re ready for daily tasks and unexpected situations. It’s key for anyone wanting to be independent and prepared for everything from daily commutes to outdoor adventures. An EDC kit ensures you’re always equipped for whatever you […]

Leatherman vs Gerber: Deciding the Right Multi-Tool for Your Needs

Multi-tools are handy gadgets that combine various tools in one, making them essential for anyone who likes to be prepared at home, outdoors, or in surprise scenarios. Their popularity has surged among outdoor lovers, DIY enthusiasts, and even emergency kits because they offer many functions quickly. Leatherman and Gerber are leading brands known for their […]

Budget-Friendly Sharpness: The Best Hard Use Pocket Knives Under $50 and $100

Pocket knives are versatile tools that serve numerous purposes in everyday life, outdoor adventures, and in times of emergency. Essentially, they are compact, foldable knives that can be easily carried in one’s pocket, making them an indispensable part of daily carry for many individuals. The selection of a hard-use pocket knife requires a careful balance […]

Washington Knife Law – Panduan Lengkap

Menavigasi undang-undang pisau Washington memerlukan pemahaman yang jelas tentang perkara yang sah untuk dibawa, dimiliki dan digunakan dalam garis negeri. Di bawah undang-undang Washington, adalah sah untuk memiliki kebanyakan jenis pisau termasuk pisau lipat, pisau poket dan bilah utilitarian lain; bagaimanapun, pisau mata air, juga dikenali sebagai bilah suis, adalah dilarang. Gambaran keseluruhan pisau […]

Pisau Keluli S90V VS M390: Mana satu yang Paling Tajam?

Dalam dunia penggemar pisau dan profesional, dua nama menonjol: S90V dan M390. Keluli super berprestasi tinggi ini telah menarik perhatian tukang pisau, tukang luar dan tukang masak di seluruh dunia. Di sebalik tarikan tepi yang tajam, yang manakah antara bilah ini benar-benar cemerlang? Mari kita mendalami butiran keluli S90V dan M390, membandingkan […]

S35VN lwn M390 Steel | Mana Satu Lebih Baik

When it comes to discussing superior blade steels, two main contenders have caught the eye of knife enthusiasts and the Everyday Carry (EDC) community: S35VN and M390. S35VN is used in high-end knives and is known for its impressive toughness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. It was developed as an improvement to the popular S30V […]

Bentuk Bilah Pisau Poket: Panduan Terbaik untuk Penggemar Pisau

A pocket knife isn’t just a tool; it’s a smart design you can carry around. Even though it’s small, the blade shape plays a big role, in influencing how you use it and how well it performs. In this guide, we’ll check out different blade shapes in pocket knives, digging into what makes each one […]

Knife Steel Guide: A Brief List of Steels and What They Are

With folding knives becoming more common in our daily lives, understanding knife steels is crucial. The type of steel in a blade can greatly affect how it performs. Enthusiasts and pros alike need to know about different steel types used in knives and how they’re used. Knowing Your Steel Blades play a crucial role in […]