Rolf Helbig

Like many boys, back when, I carried a pocket knife. My father told me I should always have a knife on me like his father told him.

When I started helping my dad cook in our hotel business, my interest in knives, of course, grew. I ordered a knife from A. G. Russell, the Russell designed Sting boot knife. I was on my way to becoming a knife enthusist.

My Foosa design came about after I talked with Phill Hartsfield back in the late 1980s. Phill was a scholar on Japanese blades, which are pure form and function. Phill made me a small utility knife called a kozuka, and I knew if I could make a folder from this time proven design, it would be a nice folder for EDC.


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Weasel and Foosa

Designer Rolf Helbig, who worked with Kizer in the past on the Pinch, gave Kansept this pair of knives. Both the Weasel and the Foosa are flippers with utility-driven profiles. The Weasel has a 3.12-inch drop point blade, while the Foosa has a 3.06-inch tanto and a more Eastern-inspired, angular handle. Both knives weigh 3 oz. each and have 154CM blade steel.

The Prickle with kiridashi-style blade


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