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Blog , Shieldone

Virginia Knife Law Guide: A Comprehensive Look at Carrying and Using Pocket Knives

Virginia’s knife laws play a critical role in maintaining public safety while respecting individual freedom. These laws specify what types …

Blog , Shieldone
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The Texas Gravity Knife Guide: Legality and Risk

In Texas, knives are important tools for many tasks, whether it’s self-defense, outdoor activities, or daily chores. But the laws …

Blog , Shieldone
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The Machete Manual: Tips for Use, Safety, and Maintenance

The machete is a versatile tool, widely used for clearing brush, chopping wood, and even for farming tasks. This manual …

Blog , Shieldone
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The Diver’s Invisible Companion: The Multi-Role of Dive Knives

Divers carry knives for a multitude of reasons – to cut away tangled lines, free trapped equipment, defend against dangerous …

Blog , Shieldone
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The Comprehensive Neck Knife Self-Defense Guide: Techniques, Safety, and Legal Considerations

A neck knife, as the name suggests, is a compact fixed-blade knife that can be conveniently worn around the neck for …

Blog , Shieldone
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The 154CM Steel Guide: Crafting Excellence in Pocket Knives

Introduction 154CM steel has gained immense popularity among pocket knife enthusiasts for its excellent edge retention, corrosion resistance, and ease …

Blog , Shieldone
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Comprensione delle leggi sui coltelli della California: una guida semplice per trasportare coltelli dritti e pieghevoli

California Knife Law refers to the rules and regulations that govern the ownership, carrying, and usage of knives in the …

Blog , Shieldone
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Una guida alle leggi sui coltelli della Florida: trasporto di coltelli dritti e pieghevoli

Understanding the laws about carrying knives in Florida is important to ensure you stay within the law. These laws can differ …

Blog , Shieldone
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Acciaio Bohler N690: la scelta pratica per i tuoi coltelli

N690 Bohler steel is a high-quality material that has become a favorite in the knife-making world. Known for its excellent …

Blog , Shieldone
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Esplorando i coltelli in acciaio D2: dal materiale alle prestazioni

D2 steel is a popular material used in making both fixed and folding knives. Known for its durability and toughness, …

Blog , Shieldone
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3Cr13 Steel: Yay or Nay?

3Cr13 steel is a type of stainless steel commonly used to produce folding knives. Known for its good balance between hardness …

Blog , Shieldone
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Value for Money: Is Sandvik 14C28N the Rising Star of Budget Knife Steels?

When buying a knife, the type of steel used is very important. It decides how long the knife stays sharp, …

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