Des couteaux d'extérieur historiques toujours en production aujourd'hui

Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

Outdoor knives go a long way back; they did not get invented the other day. For as long as human beings have banded together, the need to hunt and defend themselves led to the creation of various cutting tools, and in the process, different types of outdoor knives have been invented and refined over the years.

We are going to look at some of the top couteaux d'extérieur from the past that is still in use today. If you are looking to add a vintage outdoor knife to your collection, then this article will give you a clear guideline on what to go for. So stick with me to the end and learn a thing or two about vintage outdoor knives.


Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

Higonokami is unique knives that originated from Japan in the late 1800s. They were used as run-of-the-mill cheap knives by both adults and kids. They were made during an era where steel was hard to come by, thanks to the many wars that were going around the world at the time. This is a couteau pliant that has a slender build and a very sharp blade that ends in a pointed tip with a trapezium shape. It is an ideal knife for everyday tasks both indoors and outdoors.


Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

Opines are among the most known outdoor knives, and they have been around for quite a while. The production started in 1897, with most of them being folding knives. They were best known for their sterile beeswax handles and a locking ring that made handling them a lot better than most of the other knives that were coming out at the time. The company is family-owned and continues to produce advanced forms of knives to this day. The Opinel is very light, and maintaining it is very easy, and this is why it has been able to remain relevant for all these years.


Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

Douk-Douk is another special knife derived from North Africa and is one of the most tactical knives you will ever come across. It has a very notorious and bloody past, having been used in most wars and skirmishes in the Northern African region. The knife comes with a leather handle with the blade folding in neatly when not in use. The blade is engraved with tribal markings and signs, and that’s how you can quickly tell a Douk-Douk knife from other types.

Scandinavian Leuk

Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

The Scandinavian region is known for its rich history, thanks to the Vikings who had been part of the area for many centuries. Among the many tools they used, knives were important for everyday activities, and one of the many types that have survived to this day is the Scandinavian Leuku knife.  It was a traditional knife made by the Sami people in Finland, and it features a very solid handle and a sharp lame fixe that has a gentle rise towards the endpoint. Being a fixed blade, it is mainly used for tougher tasks like hunting and gutting animals.

Okapi Knife

Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

Okapi knife is another African knife that was designed in Germany but used in the colonies it controlled. Like most African knives, the Okapi piece has tribal markings and very interesting designs that make it an aesthetic blade to carry around with you. The blade comes in varying shapes, but the knife is a folding type in nature. The handle is made using wood with metallic embeddings that add grip. The Okapi knife is used for self-defense, but it is strong enough to be used for other harder tasks like digging, cutting, and skinning animals.

Mikov Fish Knife

Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

The Mikov Fish knife has been around since 1794 and has been used as a fishing knife by countless generations of people in the Czech Republic and the surrounding areas. Designwise, the Mikov Fish Knife has one of the most interesting shapes as the handle is designed to look exactly like a fish. It has a simple blade, the type that you would find in a multitool knife, and it can be folded back into the handle when not in use. The knife is very small, and it is not meant to be used for less taxing tasks.

Swiss Army Knife

Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

This is, without doubt, the most famous pocket knife around, and it has been used religiously in most parts by adventurers for over 130 years and still going strong. The Swiss Army knife, also called the Victorinox, is a utility knife that can be used for just about anything, thanks to its sturdy design and quality materials. Over the years, the knife has undergone major changes to further become stronger and more reliable.

Ka-Bar Marine Knife

Historical Outdoor Knives Still in Production Today, Shieldon

The Ka-Bar Marine Knife is not that old like most of the other knives on this list, but it has been around for over 75 years. It is a highly tactical knife with a very solid design that has a fixed blade and a wooden handle. It is a hunting and camping knife, and it can be used for a number of hard outdoor tasks. It was used heavily in the 2nd world war by soldiers.


Knives will never run out of fashion, and the more the interest in them continues to climb, the more the designs will continue to be created. Vintage outdoor knives are varied, and they have cultures that surround their humble beginnings. For more information on knives and how to handle them, check out our website at your own time.


Shieldon Knife est un fabricant professionnel de couteaux de poche personnalisés qui possède une usine et des designers. Consultez nos blogs pour des trucs et astuces autour couteaux d'extérieur et multi-outils! Or contact us if you need help with sourcing hinges.


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