Limitierte Veröffentlichung am 22.03. (Montag)! Das neue Werk „Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather“ von Olfa Works wird zunächst verifiziert

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

Hello! I’m Campers_aki, a camp association instructor with high female power and low income (laughs). OLFA WORKS, which was launched as an EDC-Marke by OLFA, which is famous for its “folding blade type cutter knife”, will release a limited number of replaceable blade type bushcraft knives BK1 leather! Prior to the release, we verified the specifications of the previous work and the new work ♪


What are the merits of OLFA WORKS’s “replaceable blade type”, a new idea for EDC knives?

Now, let’s sort out the merits of “being a replaceable blade type” of “replaceable blade type knife” of OLFA Works.

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

Olfa Works Spare Blade Bushcraft Knife BK1 (OW-BK1-OD) Camp EDC Knife: Olive Drab OLFA WORKS

Dimensions (mm): Overall length 116 x Overall width 23 x Overall thickness 24

Accessories: Strap cord


OLFA WORKS replaceable blade type Merit ❶ No need to sharpen the blade ♪

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

Der größte Vorteil des Messers mit austauschbarer Klinge besteht darin, dass die Klinge nicht geschärft werden muss.


Knives are hard to cut if used. Sharpening the blade is not an easy task for beginners, but the sharpness can be restored simply by replacing the blade.


Some people say, “Knives are sharpened and raised by those who like knives!”, But it is not easy for beginners to sharpen blades, much less wave blades are harder to sharpen than straight blades.


You can solve such problems with the idea of a spare blade.


▼ The blade specifications have both “straight blade” and “wave blade”!

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

The existing “replaceable blade type bushcraft knife BK1” is a knife that can be washed with a stainless steel blade with a blade thickness of 1.2 mm.


The new product “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” also has a different grip, so the blade specifications do not change. As you can see, the blades are straight blades and wave blades.


OLFA WORKS replaceable blade type merit ❷ This one special knife ♪

Everyone, you don’t do feather sticks with kitchen knives.


Normally, you will need a knife for feather sticks and a kitchen knife for cooking, but if you prepare a replacement blade, you can use one knife for feather sticks and one for cooking.


Nowadays, the virus is making a noise, and it is good for hygiene ♪


★ Replacement blade type bushcraft knife BK1 leather ★

Die Veröffentlichung ist für den 22. März 2021 geplant


■ Wholesale price: $29

■ Kompatible Klinge: OWB-BK1

■ Farbvariante Dunkelbraun Teilenummer: OW-BK1L-DBR

Teilenummer: OW-BK1L-R Rot

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

OLFA WORKS Spare Blade Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather Case Set OLF0-NSET-202010A Nitch Rich Catch

Nitch Rich Catch | OLFA WORKS Spare Blade Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather Case Set OLF0-NSET-202010A


[Replaceable blade type bushcraft knife BK1] ▶ ︎ Thorough verification of cost performance and specifications

Als nächstes möchte ich das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und die Spezifikationen gründlich überprüfen!


Verification point Size, size

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

Das bestehende Modell hat eine Gesamtlänge von 116 x Breite von 23 x Dicke von 10,5 mm und ein Gewicht von ca. 53 g.


It’s a size that won’t get tired even if you use it for a long time, and you won’t mind if you put it in your pocket.


On the other hand, there is a concern that it may be too compact and difficult to handle, but it is recommended for beginners, female campers, and kid’s campers because it is highly safe because the blade can be stored in the handle.


It’s a word that exudes love for bushcraft knives ♪

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

Die Lederart hat eine Gesamtlänge von ca. 121,5 mm x eine Gesamtbreite von ca. 31,0 mm x eine Gesamtdicke von ca. 13,9 mm und ein Gewicht von ca. 58 g.


Es ist etwas größer als das bestehende Modell, da es mit Leder bezogen ist, aber es gibt fast keinen Unterschied.


Während das bestehende Modell den starken Eindruck eines Cuttermessers vermittelt und leicht in die Nähe zu kommen ist, sagen einige Leute, dass der Griff billig aussieht, aber die Lederart hat dieses Image erneuert.


Wie erwartet passt es gut, da es aus Rindsleder besteht. Leicht zu greifen bedeutet, dass man sich beim Schneiden leicht Mühe geben kann.


Verification point Spec, ability

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

Die Schärfe ist wirklich OLFA, das für Cuttermesser einen guten Ruf genießt. Es schneidet gut ♪


Da die Schneide jedoch klein ist, eignet sie sich für Federstöcke anstelle von Schlagstöcken.


Since the blade is thick, it is easy to use if you push it with your thumb as shown in the picture.


Also, because the blade length is short, it is highly practical as a kleines Messer zum Kochen such as peeling potatoes and apples. Please wash off the rust preventive oil on the cutting edge when cooking.


Schließlich möchten Sie den Leuten Ihre Lieblingsausrüstung empfehlen ♪ ~

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

Obwohl es beiden Modellen gemeinsam ist, ist der elliptische Teil an der Basis der Klinge praktisch, da er angehoben werden kann, indem man ein Loch in eine gebrauchte Gasdose bohrt oder einen heißen Gegenstand wie ein Lagerfeuer auffängt.


Verification points Review, word of mouth

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

One year has passed since the release of the replaceable blade type bushcraft knife BK1. There are campers around me who love it.


A female camper in her twenties who started camping last year says, “It cuts very well. I always bring it to the camp to cut the paracord.”


Blick auf SNS …


Es scheint, dass das schlichte Design geschätzt wird ♪ ~


I wonder if I’m addicted to feather sticks like this ♪


Es scheint, dass Camping damit Spaß machen wird ♪ ~


[Replaceable blade type bushcraft knife BK1] can be used in various ways! It will be a must-have item for camping ♪

Limited release on 3/22 (Monday)! Olfa Works’ new work “Replaceable Bushcraft Knife BK1 Leather” is verified first, Shieldon

OLFA WORKS replaceable blade type bushcraft knife BK1 & leather is a knife with excellent portability because the blade can be stored in the handle and it is overwhelmingly compact compared to other bushcraft knives.


In general, compact ones often have slightly lower specifications, but the sharpness is outstanding because the technology cultivated with the cutter knife is reflected there.


Also, the knife tends to apply force near the handle, but since it is a wave blade, there is little worry that the blade will slip due to excessive force.


Since the blade is short, it is ideal for fine work that is difficult to work with large knives such as feather sticks and woodworking crafts, rather than large-scale usage such as branching and batoning.


The size of the hand varies from person to person, and the camping style is different for each person, but there is no doubt that it will be a must-have item as a main knife for beginners, camping girls, and camping kids, and as a sub-knife for veteran campers.


Ah! The author with high female power prepares a position as a cooking knife (laugh)


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