Knife Steel Guide: A Brief List of Steels and What They Are

With folding knives becoming more common in our daily lives, understanding knife steels is crucial. The type of steel in a blade can greatly affect how it performs. Enthusiasts and pros alike need to know about different steel types used in knives and how they’re used. Knowing Your Steel Blades play a crucial role in […]

All You Need to Know About 7Cr17MoV as a Knife Material

7Cr17MoV steel has been making waves in the knife community for its balance of price and performance, making it a great choice for those looking to get into fine knives without breaking the bank. In this extensive guide, we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about 7Cr17MoV steel, especially in the context of […]

A Comprehensive Guide to the World’s Most Lethal Blades

Knives are simple yet highly effective tools that have been used by humanity since ancient times. From the earliest flint blades to the modern versions made with advanced metals, each knife carries a unique story. Throughout history, they have played significant roles in shaping cultures, defending empires, and even influencing the course of events. In […]

Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools: Types, Uses, and Specialization for Improved Segmentation

From ancient times to modern settings, knives have evolved from survival tools to versatile companions for hunting, cooking, combat, and daily tasks. Here, we’ll uncover the design philosophies, materials, performance aspects, and practical applications of these tools. Whether you’re an experienced outdoor enthusiast or a curious beginner, let’s dive into the fascinating world of EDC […]

Раскрытие секретов оптовой продажи перочинных ножей: подробное руководство по поиску лучших предложений

Перочинные ножи – это универсальные инструменты, нашедшие свое место в различных ситуациях благодаря своим компактным размерам и многофункциональному дизайну. Эти карманные инструменты обычно используются для таких задач, как вскрытие писем, обрезка ниток или даже легкие занятия на свежем воздухе. Более того, поскольку оптовая продажа перочинных ножей набирает обороты, мы рассмотрим соображения безопасности, лежащие в основе этого […]