Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools: Types, Uses, and Specialization for Improved Segmentation

From ancient times to modern settings, knives have evolved from survival tools to versatile companions for hunting, cooking, combat, and daily tasks. Here, we’ll uncover the design philosophies, materials, performance aspects, and practical applications of these tools.

Whether you’re an experienced outdoor enthusiast or a curious beginner, let’s dive into the fascinating world of EDC cutting tools.


Different Types of EDC Tools: Classifying Everyday Carry Items by Function

Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools: Types, Uses, and Specialization for Improved Segmentation, Shieldon

Hunting knife type

A hunting knife is an essential tool for any outdoorsman. It’s designed to help hunters efficiently handle game in the wild. Typically, it has a sharp blade for skinning and cutting meat, and a curved edge or ‘gut hook’ to open the abdomen without damaging the internals. These knives are made from durable materials to withstand the harsh conditions of the outdoors. The handle is designed for a firm grip, ensuring safety and precision while in use.

  • Carving knife – The carving knife is an essential tool in the culinary arts, often used in food preparation to slice thin cuts of meat. It features a long, thin blade that ensures precision and control, making it perfect for tasks such as carving meat or slicing vegetables.
  • Boning knife – A boning knife is designed for removing bones from meat, poultry, and fish. Its slim and pointed blade allows for precise separation of meat from bone, making the cooking process more efficient.
  • The boot – The boot knife is a small, sharp blade that is typically concealed inside a boot. This compact tool can be an invaluable ally in survival situations, providing protection or aiding in small tasks.
  • Skinning knife – The skinning knife is an outdoor enthusiast’s best friend when it comes to separating the skin from the meat of game animals. Its curved, razor-sharp blade is designed to accomplish this task quickly and efficiently.
  • Universal knife – As the name implies, the universal knife is a versatile tool designed for a wide range of tasks. Its blade size and shape allow it to excel in chopping, slicing, and dicing, making it a must-have in any kitchen.
  • Gutting knife – A gutting knife is an essential tool for hunters, featuring a specially designed blade to open the abdomen of the game without damaging the internal organs. This knife ensures efficient and clean field dressing.

EDC cutter – Your Essential Tool for Everyday Carry

Discover the perfect EDC cutter for your needs. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or simply going about your daily routine, our EDC cutter is designed to provide convenience and reliability.

Definition and Importance of EDC Tools

EDC stands for ‘Cada acarreo día‘, referring to items that you carry daily, like keys, wallet, phone, and often, a useful tool like a knife. EDC tools are important because they assist in everyday tasks, from opening packages to preparing meals, and can even provide security.

These tools are designed to be compact and easy to carry, so they can be with you whenever you need them. Because of their utility in daily life, EDC tools have become an essential part of many people’s routines.

Folding Knife vs. Fixed Blade Knife Comparison

When choosing an EDC tool, the decision between a folding knife and a fixed-blade knife often arises.eg: cuchillo escudo.

Both have their advantages and are suited to different tasks.

A folding knife, as the name suggests, can be folded into its handle, making it compact and easy to carry in your pocket. This type of knife is ideal for everyday tasks such as opening packages or cutting small items.

An example of a folding knife is the Swiss Army Knife, known for its multiple utility tools.

On the other hand, a fixed-blade knife has a solid, unmovable blade that is typically stronger and larger. This makes it reliable in heavy-duty tasks such as cutting rope, and wood, or even in survival scenarios.

A common example of a fixed-blade knife is the hunting knife, valued for its sturdiness and reliability in the outdoors.

Types of multifunctional EDC tools

  • Folding knife – As mentioned earlier, a folding knife is a compact EDC tool that can fit easily in your pocket. It typically has multiple blades and other tools such as screwdrivers, scissors, and can openers.
  • Keychain knife – The keychain knife is a small, lightweight EDC tool that can easily be attached to your keychain. It’s perfect for quick tasks like cutting thread or opening packages.
  • Multipurpose tool – Multipurpose tools are EDC items that feature multiple tools in one, such as pliers, screwdrivers, and knives. They’re a convenient way to have several tools on hand without carrying a large kit.
  • Survival knife – A survival knife is a heavy-duty, versatile EDC tool designed for emergencies. It typically has a strong, fixed blade and features other tools such as fire starters or whistles.
  • Credit card blade – A credit card blade is a thin, compact EDC tool that can easily fit in your wallet.
  • Wallet knife/wallet multi-tool – Similar to the credit card blade, a wallet knife or multi-tool is designed to fit in your wallet and features multiple tools such as a knife, screwdriver, and bottle opener. It’s perfect for daily tasks on the go.
  • Fisherman’s knife – A fisherman’s knife is a specialized EDC tool designed for anglers. It typically features tools such as a gut hook, scaler, and bottle opener, making it essential for fishing trips.
  • Craft knife – A craft knife is a small, sharp EDC tool used for precise cutting in crafts and DIY projects. It’s also great for everyday tasks such as opening packages or cutting through tape.

Key Characteristics of EDC Tools: Portability, Durability, and More

When it comes to EDC (Everyday Carry) tools, certain characteristics set them apart. Portability and durability are just a couple of the key factors to consider. Discover the essential features that make these tools stand out and enhance your everyday life.

  1. Portability – EDC tools are designed to be compact and easy to carry, making them convenient to have on hand at all times. This allows you to complete tasks quickly and efficiently.
  2. Durability – Because these tools are meant for everyday use, they need to withstand frequent use and be able to handle various tasks without breaking or wearing down easily.
  3. Versatility – EDC tools should be able to perform multiple functions, making them useful for a wide range of tasks in daily life. This adds value and convenience to these essential items.
  4. Reliability – An EDC tool should be reliable and able to accomplish its intended purpose without fail. Whether you’re using it for light or heavy-duty tasks, it should be able to withstand the demands placed on it.
  5. Convenience – One of the main benefits of EDC tools is their convenience. They should be easy to carry and use, saving you time and effort in completing tasks.
  6. Safety – It’s important for an EDC tool to have safety features such as a locking mechanism or grip to prevent accidents while in use.
  7. Quality – Investing in a high-quality EDC tool ensures that it will last longer and perform better, making it a worthwhile addition to your everyday carry items.

Types of combat knives


A dagger is a combat knife with a sharp point and two edges, used for stabbing or thrusting. Throughout history, daggers have been used in close combat and ceremonial contexts. Their unique shape and usage make them iconic and symbolic. Unlike multipurpose knives, daggers are designed for swift, precise strikes, aided by their cross-shaped handle for grip and stability.

Combat tactical knife

A combat tactical knife is primarily designed for military use and close-quarters combat. It has a strong build and sharp edge, often with a serrated section for cutting tough materials. This type of knife is durable, versatile, and performs well under intense conditions, making it an essential tool for soldiers and law enforcement officers.

Classic Bowie

The Classic Bowie is a type of combat knife known for its distinctive large size and clip point. This knife’s design is characterized by a crossguard and a clip point that provides a sharp, controllable point, and large cutting edge.

Modern bowie knife

The modern bowie knife is an updated version of the Classic Bowie. It has an ergonomic handle, full tang construction, and uses advanced blade materials like stainless steel or titanium. This knife is suitable for combat and utility purposes, which is why it’s favored by survivalists and outdoor enthusiasts.


The Kukri is a traditional combat knife from Nepal, used by the Gurkhas, an elite group of soldiers. Its curved blade enhances chopping and slashing movements. With its formidable design, the Kukri serves as an excellent weapon and tool for combat and everyday tasks.

cuchillo arrojadizo

A throwing knife is a special type of combat knife designed for throwing at targets. It has a symmetrical, balanced design, and its thin blade allows it to rotate quickly when thrown. Throwing knives require skill and practice to use effectively, making them popular among martial artists and enthusiasts.

Pressing dagger

A pressing dagger is a special combat knife with a handle that can be pressed against the palm for extra force when stabbing. It is designed to penetrate armor and tough materials, making it effective in close-quarters combat.


The karambit is a combat knife with a curved blade that comes from Southeast Asia. It has a unique design, allowing for different grip positions and quick attacks in close range. The karambit has become popular in recent years because of its distinct appearance and practical design.

Types of kitchen knives

Chef’s knife

A Chef’s knife is a versatile kitchen tool, designed to perform a variety of cutting tasks. With its broad, sharp blade, it’s ideal for slicing, dicing, and chopping, making it a must-have for any kitchen.

Santoku knife

The Santoku knife is a Japanese-style kitchen knife that features a flat blade and a sharp, curved edge. It’s perfect for precise cutting, making it useful for tasks such as slicing vegetables and meats.

Steak knife

A steak knife is a type of kitchen knife with a sharp, serrated edge, designed for cutting through cooked meats. It’s an essential tool for any dinner table and can also be used for slicing fruits and vegetables.

Bread knife

A bread knife has a long, serrated blade that makes it perfect for slicing through crusty breads without crushing them.

cuchillo universal

A universal knife is a multipurpose kitchen tool that can handle various cutting tasks, including slicing, chopping, and dicing. Its medium-sized blade and versatile design make it a go-to for many cooks.

Cutting knife

A cutting knife has a long, narrow blade designed for precise and delicate tasks such as peeling fruits and vegetables or trimming meat.

Filleting knife

A filleting knife has a long, flexible blade that makes it perfect for removing bones and skin from fish. It’s also useful for cutting thin slices of meat or poultry.

Boning knife

A boning knife has a thin, sharp blade that makes it ideal for removing bones from meat or poultry. Its pointed tip also allows for accurate and precise cuts.

Knife for cutting meat

A knife for cutting meat is a general term for any kitchen knife specifically designed for cutting and preparing different types of meat. These knives can vary in size and shape, depending on the type of meat they are meant to cut.

Slicing knife

A slicing knife has a long, narrow blade designed for slicing through large cuts of meat or poultry. Its sharp edge and thin blade allow for precise and even slices without tearing the meat.

Cuchilla de carnicero

A cleaver is a sturdy, rectangular knife with a thick blade and sharp edge. Its main purpose is to chop through bones and tough meat, making it a vital tool for butchering and preparing large cuts of meat.


A machete is a large, heavy knife with a wide blade and sharp edge. It’s commonly used for cutting through thick vegetation, making it an essential tool for outdoor activities such as camping and hiking. Its size and weight also make it useful for clearing paths or other manual labor tasks.


Analysis of Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools

Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools: Types, Uses, and Specialization for Improved Segmentation, Shieldon

Daily application scenarios of EDC tools

Everyday Carry (EDC) tools are essential items that have a wide range of applications. They are useful in everyday situations like opening packages or tightening screws, making daily tasks more efficient.

In outdoor settings, EDC tools such as knives, flashlights, and multi-tools serve survival purposes, helping with tasks like setting up a camp, preparing food, or navigating through unfamiliar terrain.

When it comes to personal defense, EDC tools provide a sense of security and preparedness. Professionals in various fields, from first responders to crafters, also rely on EDC tools, showcasing their versatility and practicality.

Design Concept of EDC Cutting Tools

Everyday Carry (EDC) cutting tools are designed with four key elements in mind. First, they combine functionality and practicality, allowing them to perform a variety of tasks in different situations.

Second, they prioritize compactness and portability for easy daily carrying. Third, the design considers ergonomics and comfort for extended use.

Lastly, durability is ensured through the use of high-quality materials like stainless steel or titanium, allowing the tools to withstand tough conditions while maintaining performance over time.

From Material to Manufacturing: Quality Factors of EDC Tools

Types and Characteristics of Knife Steel

  • Stainless Steel: Highly resistant to rust and staining, stainless steel makes for durable, low-maintenance knives. Its toughness helps the knife withstand heavy use without damage.
  • Carbon Steel: Known for its exceptional hardness, carbon steel allows for a sharper edge and superior edge retention. However, it’s more prone to rust and requires regular maintenance.
  • Tool Steel: Renowned for its high strength and hardness, tool steel is often used in knives designed for heavy-duty use. Its toughness makes it resilient to wear and tear.
  • Damascus Steel: A blend of steel types that creates a distinct pattern on the blade, Damascus Steel is favored for its balance of toughness, edge sharpness, and aesthetic appeal.
  • High-Speed Steel: This type of steel maintains its hardness at high temperatures, making it a preferred choice for knives that undergo frequent sharpening.
  • Ceramic: Ceramic blades are incredibly sharp and retain their edge for a long time. They’re lightweight and resistant to rust but can be brittle and prone to chipping.
  • Titanium: While not as hard or sharp as steel, titanium is highly resistant to corrosion and extremely lightweight, making it perfect for knives that value portability and longevity.

Selection of Tool Handle Materials and their Impact on Use

Choosing the right material for a tool’s handle is critical as it greatly influences its usability and performance.

Common materials include wood, metal, plastic, and rubber.

Wood offers a classic look and good grip, but it may not stand up well to moisture or harsh conditions.

Metal handles, often made from stainless steel or aluminum, are robust and long-lasting but can be slippery when wet.

Plastic handles are affordable and lightweight, but they may lack durability.

Rubber handles provide excellent grip and comfort, even in wet conditions, however, they may degrade over time. Each material carries its pros and cons, thus the choice often depends on the intended use of the tool.

Advances in Manufacturing Processes and Technology

Advancements in manufacturing processes and technology have greatly improved the quality and efficiency of EDC tool production.

Techniques like CNC machining have transformed precision and consistency, enabling the creation of intricate parts with tight tolerances.

Laser cutting and 3D printing offer possibilities for complex designs and rapid prototyping. On the material front, metallurgical developments have resulted in high-performance supersteels and alloys.

Additionally, the integration of AI and IoT in manufacturing is pushing the boundaries of automation and real-time quality control, paving the way for future smart factories.

Selecting EDC Tools Aligned with Your Lifestyle and Needs

Assessment of Individual Needs

When buying an EDC tool, it’s important to assess your personal needs and lifestyle. If you camp often, you’ll likely need a reliable knife or multi-tool. For city dwellers, a compact flashlight or multi-function keychain might be more practical.

Frequency of Use and Environmental Considerations

Consider the frequency of use and the environment when choosing your EDC tools. For example, if you use a knife daily outdoors, especially in wet conditions, opt for one with a corrosion-resistant blade and a durable, non-slip handle.

Budget and Investment Value

When choosing EDC tools, it’s important to think about the value of your investment. While prices can vary, keep in mind that high-quality and durable tools may have a higher initial cost. However, they tend to last longer and perform better, potentially saving you money in the long term.

Innovations and Future Developments in the World of Everyday Carry Tools

In the world of Everyday Carry (EDC) tools, innovation never stops. The combination of technology and traditional design is paving the way for an exciting future.

Advances in materials science are creating lighter, stronger, and more durable tools, improving their usefulness and lifespan.

Additionally, the integration of smart technology into EDC tools is a growing trend that is changing the industry. Imagine a compact multi-tool with built-in connectivity, allowing you to track its location or control smart devices.

Or think about a pocket knife with a sensor-enhanced blade that provides data on usage patterns and suggests maintenance schedules. Looking ahead, EDC tools will continue to evolve, expanding their applications and making everyday tasks easier and more convenient.

Community and Culture: The Influence of EDC Enthusiasts

The Everyday Carry (EDC) community is crucial to the EDC culture. They share valuable insights, tips, and creative ideas, mostly on social media.

Enthusiasts showcase their EDC items, enhancing their photos with a well-positioned EDC knife.

Make sure the knife is secure and the blade is visible, highlighting its unique details. To get more likes, use appropriate hashtags, and informative captions, and engage with your audience through comments and messages.

These simple strategies can increase visibility and establish a strong presence in the vibrant EDC community.



Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools: Types, Uses, and Specialization for Improved Segmentation, Shieldon

cuchillos EDC serve a specific purpose across different applications, making them essential tools for everyday use.

Shieldon Knife specializes in creating stylish and functional EDC knives that are both affordable and practical.

Whether you need a reliable companion or want to add unique pieces to your EDC knife collection, Shieldon Knife has got you covered.


Preguntas frecuentes

Everyday Carry (EDC) Tools: Types, Uses, and Specialization for Improved Segmentation, Shieldon

1. How should I choose an EDC tool that suits me?

Choosing an EDC (Everyday Carry) tool that suits you involves examining your daily routine and identifying tasks where a tool could provide assistance or convenience. Consider factors like the tool’s functionality, size, and weight, ensuring it matches your lifestyle and comfort.

If you perform outdoor activities regularly, a sturdy knife or multi-tool could be beneficial. For urban settings, compact and multi-functional tools like a flashlight or keychain tool might be more suitable.

The tool’s material durability, especially for frequent use in various conditions, is another key factor. Lastly, consider your budget and the tool’s long-term value. Sometimes, investing in a high-quality tool can save money over time as it may last longer and perform better.

2. How to distinguish between tactical knives and survival knives? What are the obvious differences between them?

Tactical knives and survival knives have similar features but serve different purposes. Tactical knives are for self-defense and military use, while survival knives are for outdoor activities and emergencies.

The main difference is their function. Tactical knives have a thinner, sharper blade with serrated edges, finger guards, and non-reflective coatings. They are smaller and lighter for easy concealment.

Survival knives are designed for harsh conditions and tasks like cutting branches, preparing food, and starting fires. They have thicker blades, larger handles for better grip, and can withstand forceful movements. Some survival knives have serrated edges for sawing and flat tips for prying.

3. Which is more suitable for daily carrying, a folding knife or a fixed knife?

Both folding and fixed knives have their advantages, so your choice depends on your needs and preferences.

Folding knives are smaller, lighter, and convenient for everyday carry. They have a compact design with a blade that folds into the handle, making them easy to conceal in pockets or bags. However, they may not be as durable or strong as fixed blades.

Fixed knives are more strong and suitable for heavy-duty tasks. They have a solid, non-folding blade that is usually longer and thicker than folding knives. Fixed blades are better for outdoor activities such as camping or hunting, but they may be too bulky for daily carrying.

4. What characteristics should outdoor extreme survivalists consider when choosing knives?

When selecting knives for outdoor extreme survival, consider important features. These include blade material, handle design and grip, blade length and shape, and weight.

The blade material should be durable and strong, capable of withstanding harsh conditions. Popular options are high-carbon stainless steel or titanium due to their durability and resistance to corrosion.

The handle should have a comfortable design with a secure, non-slip grip to prevent accidents. Blade length and shape should be suitable for tasks such as cutting, slicing, and prying.

Lastly, weight is crucial for outdoor survivalists who may need to carry the knife long distances or in challenging terrain. An ideal choice would be a lightweight yet sturdy knife.

5. What kind of knife is suitable for casual camping and hiking?

For casual camping and hiking, a multi-functional pocket knife or folding knife is suitable. These knives are compact, lightweight, and versatile for tasks like opening cans, cutting rope, or whittling wood. When choosing a knife, consider factors such as blade length, shape, handle design, grip, and weight. A sturdy yet portable knife is essential for outdoor adventures, making a pocket or folding knife an ideal choice.

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